Some Pig

Years ago before Ada, before even Shannon, my friend Mary gave me a little pig as a hostess gift. This pig sat in a basket in the corner of my room, until January of this year when I took it out to be a photography prop.
Slowly she began playing with it. She started to call it PIG. Suddenly PIG became part of our family. He is fed cookies. He is called for at bedtime, and when she wakes up. We can be engrossed in an activity and she will realize he isn’t with us and she will ask for PIG in her really deep little voice.
A week ago Ada woke up asking for pig. He was no where to be found. I looked every where in her room. I was sure I put him in her bed. I searched some more he wasn’t any where in the house.
Finally I remembered that I walked her around the block to get her to sleep. I retraced my steps, but he was gone.
I was sad, because I have always been bad with things. I hated that my losing things was now upsetting my child.

Update: it turned out that Pig had made it in to the carrier when we went for a walk. My neighbor found it and posted on the neighborhood list serve. Pig was then returned to us unharmed.

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