Even without children, I am terrified about being doored biking through the city. I decided at some point that yelling at parked cars was my best bet for not being hit. If I am passing a car and think there might be someone in it I yell “On your left”, as loudly as I can.
A has taken to yelling this as well. The other day as we were riding down the street a yelled, “On your right”.
I was puzzled and then I realized she was yelling at the guy across the street, and technically we were on his right.
I find it amazing that she is beginning to know her left from her right. This is a skill I have always struggled with, so I never imagined it would come so easily for one of my children.
I don’t know if this is something they work on at school or not, but I do know we have not thoroughly covered it at home. I give all the credit to Youyou and Bouwna. Who? Youyou and Bouwna, you know, A’s hands. Apparently, they are girl baby birds. Youyou is the right one and Bouwna is the left, and she knows this. She also thinks it is really funny to pretend that her hands are birds. These two have great adventures, frequent birthdays, and get hurt and need mama kisses at least once a day. I love how creative she is, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that it worries me a bit.
On your left!
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